
Always look on the bright side of life.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

New TV

Last Friday we had Luke and Emily over for movies, video games, and pizzas. After playing 4-player Mario Kart on the 27" TV, Luke and Matt put their heads together looking at big-screen TVs on the internet. Matt and I did some research ourselves at electronic stores, but not surprisingly, the best deals by far were online (also nice - no sales tax and free shipping!). So we got the TV ordered (a Samsung 50" widescreen HDTV, HLR-5067W) from Monday of this week, Matt and I switched cell phones in case they called to set up delivery (Matt's number was the one on record and he is in training all week and thus inaccessible). They did call on Monday, while Emily was over here hanging out, and said they could bring it the next day (Tuesday). Well, both Matt and I were going to be at work, but Emily said she could be here to receive it. We also hatched a plan to keep it a secret from Matt. Yesterday Dad covered the last hour and a half of my Cisco shift so that I could come home (the TV was supposed to come by 3pm). Well, at 4pm Emily and I called the company up and asked what was up...and the TV hadn't even been picked up because they'd gotten the name wrong. Luckily, the TV got here by 5:30pm, by which point Luke had joined our vigil (which was great because he helped carry it up the stairs!). Luke also got it all set up, even bringing us some higher-quality cords to greater enjoy the awesomeness of our TV. We watched a little bit of Star Wars Episode III to appreciate the quality, and also checked out Mario Kart (BIG!) and Dragon Quest to see how they looked. I really appreciated the help of Emily and Luke making the surprise happen! They couldn't stick around until Matt got home (not until 8:45 or so). When he did get home, he was happily surprised to see the TV in our apartment and all set up...and called me a big fat liar for having kept him in the dark =P It was great. :) We even got to watch some TV on it before he had to go to bed.

I've updated our picture website with tons of Piper pictures, pics of the TV, and other things. Check them out!

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