
Always look on the bright side of life.

Monday, March 27, 2006

A Fall off the Wagon and other news

I started playing World of Warcraft again. To be honest, I didn't want to at first, but here is what drew me back and my defense: 1) I started playing while I was waiting to hear from A&M about vet school and while Matt was insanely busy with work - just wanted to pass the time, and 2) Blizzard was developing a new patch for the game that would completely overhaul the priest class and I had a level 17 undead priestess who was begging to be leveled. I've also found a playing companion - not someone I know in real life, but we've been leveling our characters together for the last couple weeks (my priest, his druid) and that's been fun.

I've had the time to really play WoW recently because I officially ended my run at Cisco on March 11. That was the day we'd established back when the vet clinic was supposed to open in the middle of March. Well, surprise surprise, the construction is behind schedule. At first it didn't seem like a big deal...I'd have a week off from work and then maybe a week helping set up the clinic and then we'd open. Hahaha, naivete is funny. Now it looks like the clinic won't be opening until April 17 or so. Well, I filled in at Cisco once last week while Dad recovered from his appendectomy (all went well), and I work tomorrow...but then? Dad and I may work something out since there will still be some shifts to be had until the new manager is all trained.

Matt's been ridiculously busy recently but things are about to get better. The night the Aggies played their first game in the NCAA Tournament (Whoop!) he got home after midnight but still watched the TiVoed game. This past weekend we actually got to see our families *together* - Saturday night Bryan, Doug, and Leslie had their layover between California and Belize and we joined them and Mom and Dad for a late dinner at Amore, which was a very fun treat. And then last night we had dinner over at the Roberts'. After dinner we looked at places to say for this summer's traditional Roberts vacation in Colorado in July.

And that's about it. I still have my vet school letter on my desk...Matt has been too busy for us to have the official talk in which we plan the rest of our lives. I have until April 15, though, to let them know. Hopefully this weekend Matt will be done with the craziness and I can let my loyal readers know where I'll be for the next 4-5 years of my life. :)


Cameron said...

Well, sucks to be them because the servers are still down because of problems with the patch, so no one has gotten to play with the new content yet :(

Leslie H said...

That is the sexiest dancing cow-person I've ever seen.

Leslie H said...

Okay, it's really important that you post before you hit your month-i-versary.

(And happy late birthday to Mr. Matt!)