
Always look on the bright side of life.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

6 years! part II

Carrying on the Hall family tradition (okay, we aren't at 100% perfection like Mom and Dad or Leslie and Bryan) of anniversary pictures with numbers.
Wearing our A&M jerseys sadly did not help A&M win their first game in the College World Series. :(

My present!
Our washing machine broke and the deal was that when it no longer functioned, I would get a new, nice washing machine (same deal applies to it needs to wait a while longer to die) since I am the laundry mistress of the household. So here I am with my new LG washer. Yay! (I know it's not that romantic, but it makes me happy and it gets Matt's laundry clean, so booyah). It works awesome.

Oh, and HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to Mr Marc Hall, climber of mountains and installer of bath fans. I can't wait to spend time with you in Costa Rica*!

*yeah, Costa Rica. Wahoo!

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