And the best part of the story is this: Mom is at the ranch now watching Lucy (the big red cow) going into labor! Just to remind everyone, Mamacita (Domino's mom) is the only cow that we knew to be pregnant when we got the six cows. Such craziness!
Now to get back to the right order of things...when last I left you, I was in the midst of a 5-day subbing stretch. Monday and Tuesday before Thanksgiving I subbed for Julie (Garrison) Churchill, my social studies teacher of three years. One of her students is Sarah, Matt's cousin. It went okay, but the kids were super hyper because of the upcoming holiday and Tuesday's field trip to see National Treasure. I went with them on that, and the movie was okay, much better than the awful reviews it got. I sat with Hunter Bradley, Taylor's little brother, who was good company. Wednesday was a major relaxing day, since I was exhausted from substitute teaching as well as sick with a cold from the 8th grade germ pool. I played a lot of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, which is marvelous. I recommend it to anyone who has played Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario, or Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.
Thursday was Thanksgiving, which was great. Mom, Dad, and I were joined by Carolyn, Matt, Uncle J and Stephanie, Uncle John and his girlfriend Joanne, and Uncle Mike for our 1:00pm feast. After the first quarter of the Cowboys game, Matt and I went over to his house and did their Thanksgiving. They were hosting the Lydeckers, and it was great fun to a) be there with Matt's family for the holiday, b) share it with the Lydeckers, and c) have two Thanksgiving meals! On Friday we capped off the holiday by watching some of the Halls' and Roberts' family videos. On Saturday I had my second wedding dress meeting with Laurie and got to see my dress for the first time. It was awesome. I'd put up pictures but 1) we didn't take any, and 2) Matt can't see!
This week has been spent decorating for Christmas, beginning my Christmas shopping, and coughing a lot (still haven't quite kicked the cold). I also got registered for the two classes I'm taking through the Dallas TeleCollege online [for vet school admissions]. I'm taking technical writing and public speaking online in the spring (I'll let you know how you can take speech online as soon as I figure that out myself). It is only $300 to take the two classes and including my books. I am SO glad I waited until after A&M to do this. I subbed for the math teacher in Ms. Janik's team (Ms. Steckler) yesterday and had a great time. I like subbing for math (this was pre-algebra) a lot, and the kids (these are the ones I'm really getting to know) were well-behaved. I ate lunch with Ms. Janik in the team office, and we looked at Julie's wedding pictures during 8th period (our "team planning" period). Then when I returned the pictures to Juile at the middle school "Trading Post" where the coaches sell junk food to kids after school, I ended up working there with her until 4:25 so that we could chat. It was a really a nice day!
Today Dad and I went to get a Christmas tree, and we picked out a great one. It is already standing in the living room, acting noble. Matt and I are doing some shopping this evening, and we have a Christmas party with his work friends tomorrow night. I can't believe today is three weeks from Christmas Eve! And only just over two weeks until Leslie and Bryan come! Yay!
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