
Always look on the bright side of life.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Countdown time!

I say countdown time. But let me be honest - I've been counting down for roughly 50 days now. :) The wedding is now 13 days away! Less than two weeks! Eek (of happiness). Now I have to think about what's worthy of report in the last couple weeks...

On May 23, I had some of my work friends down to the mini-ranch. Malaika, Stephanie, Jennifer and I went down Monday afternoon and spent the night. Steph and Jen had to get back on Tuesday morning, but Malaika and I stayed until Mom and Dad left that afternoon. We had a great time - horseback riding, cow feeding, badminton playing, eating, swimming in the lake...they appreciated Murphy's wonderful personality, too, which was great. And Mom and Dad were amazing hosts, making my friends feel very special. It was fun to share the mini-ranch with some friends from work. :) That Friday Matt and I went back down to the ranch to spend the first half of Memorial Day weekend. But before that, I had my first ever facial! It was a plan hatched by the girls while we were floating in the lake, and the four of us went to the Ogle School of Hair Skin and Nails on that Friday. I thought it was awesome. Besides a machine facial, I had an enzyme exfoliation and my eyebrows waxed (ouch! also a first). Then Matt and I trundled to the ranch, where it was never hot enough to get in the lake, but we had a good time hanging out, watching Star Wars Episode IV with Mom and Dad, relaxing, feeding livestock, and playing LOTS of badminton.

Matt and I returned to Dallas on Sunday so I could go to work. Besides working my normal Sunday 6pm - Monday 8am overnight shift, I was assigned to work from midnight Monday - 8am Tuesday. So, I got home from work on Monday morning, slept from about 9-4, had a nice Memorial Day cookout with the Roberts and messed around there for a bit, and then went back to work! It really went okay, though. I'm getting used to the whole overnight experience and recovery.

On Thursday Mom, Dad, Susie, John and I went to the Arboretum along with Christine Craddock (she's playing music before the wedding ceremony) and her mom for a detailed walkthrough and discussion with our Arboretum wedding coordinator. It was very cool being able to talk details! Then that night, Mom, Matt, and I met with the DJ. All these plans falling into place! So cool! But today was the best - I tried on my wedding dress for the last time with Laurie! I get it tomorrow when she's done sewing on the pearls. It looks amazing :) :) :) Mom took a couple pictures, so e-mail if you are interested. I can't post them here because of Mr. Matty. :)

There, I think we're all caught up! Oh, right - my computer seems to be fixed now. I'm writing this update on it, and that makes me happy. Luke's the best.

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