
Always look on the bright side of life.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Christmas Season is Upon Us

I fully oppose stores beginning Christmas as soon as Halloween is over, but I have no problem getting into the spirit as soon as Thanksgiving is over. It was a little weird this year with the early Thanksgiving, so I held off until December (2nd to be exact). Matt and I woke up slightly late this morning and watched The Chronicles of Narnia. Then we hauled out the Christmas decorations and got to work. We are so fortunate that Mom and Dad have hooked me up repeatedly with decorations, so we had lots of different things to put up (and I got a little excited last year when we were in the apartment and bought some more). So we hung lights, garlands, stockings, wreaths, and put out the fake poinsettias, Christmas pillows and other things. Then we went ahead and hung some non-Christmas items we've been meaning to get up for 4 months now. All the while, I had my iTunes Christmas playlist blaring. And a good time was had by all.

On Monday I went to the neurologist to get my MRI and EEG results back from a few weeks ago. The EEG was fine, but the MRI showed a very small venous angioma. It was stressed that this was almost definitely nothing but that they had to do an additional test for completeness to ensure that it was, in fact, nothing to worry about. So on Wednesday I went in to St. Joseph's Hospital for CT angiography with iodine contrast. The iodine contrast was fun - the radiology technician warned me it would make me feel warm and like I was tinkling on myself, but that I should remain calm because I would not be urinating in my pants. Wow, awesome. And it was totally true - thank goodness she had warned me because I really did have to repeat to myself "you are not peeing, you are not peeing." =D Other than that, it was uneventful. They'll call me with the results sometime next week.

My big project for the week was assembling 10 care packages to send to soldiers in Iraq for Christmas. I baked them each a loaf of pumpkin bread (Susie's wonderful recipe). Also included from the suggestion list I was given:
  • 2 pairs of white crew socks
  • Candy (jolly ranchers, starbursts, holiday-themed chocolates)
  • Fruit snacks
  • 1 Little Debbie Christmas snack cake
  • Little toys to give to Iraqi children
  • Off Deep Woods insect repellent wipes
  • For the three female-specific packages:
    • personal wet wipes
    • Lip Smackers chap stick
    • body wash
I also wrote them each a card and put a picture of Matt and me in there. I had a blast putting it all together, and it made me feel really good. We took them to the post office and sent them was really cool. Although the people in line behind us probably didn't agree, since it takes a long time to mail 10 boxes to Iraq! If anyone is interested in sending something over there (just a batch of rice krispies and a note would really brighten someone's day), e-mail me for the care package information.

This week was kind of odd because Matt actually had work to do every day. I really like having our desks together in the same room, because we listened to music together and I played WoW or did kakuro puzzles or something while he worked. I also created a WoWWiki page for my WoW guild and for myself, which was pretty fun. Oh, and I got my rogue to level fourth level 60 character. Hehe, go me. Tonight my guild is going to a new dungeon for the first time...the good news is Matt has two college football conference championship games to watch while I'll be dying over and over in my game. Speaking of games, I'm picking up Final Fantasy XII for myself in about an hour and am super excited.

I guess that's it for now - Matt and I are off to run and enjoy the beautiful weather (from 78 degrees on Wednesday to 29 on Friday - it finally feels like the Christmas season!)

1 comment:

Leslie H said...

your decorations were inspirational. i terrorized bryan and clare for hours on saturday with strings of lights and ornaments. :)

i think we're part of maybe 2% of our generation who decorate their homes for christmas.