
Always look on the bright side of life.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Oops, forgot to blog...bad blogger!

I got a little behind in blogging. Oh well, I can move past it if you can. We spent last weekend in Dallas. Matt had to go into the office on Friday so we headed out early on Friday morning (I slept 2 hours in the car, yay). While he worked on ... whatever it is that he works on, I got to go to Amore and have lunch with Brittany, who was fortuitously in Dallas. It was a very Christmas-y weekend - we had the KMPG Christmas party on Friday night, helped the Roberts decorate and the Halls pick out the Christmas tree. And Matt, Dad, and I got to watch Mom wrapped in lights, transferring them from around her neck to around the tree.

Also worth mentioning about the weekend was Matt and I had our first Wii encounter. Luke has a Wii with the sports game and Zelda. I watched the boys do boxing, golf, bowling, and tennis and tried my hand at baseball. Matt and I both had authentic "Wiinjuries" for days later too (in our case, nothing too severe, just very sore shoulders). Saturday night we celebrated Susie's 51st birthday slightly belatedly by eating at Cuba Libre and then Matt and I watched Luke beat Zelda. On Sunday I gave Zelda a shot of my own, getting through the first dungeon, and Matt spent the evening suffering through a horrible Cowboys game at Texas Stadium with Dad, Jerry, and the managers.

We hit the road pretty early on Monday so Matt could get some work done. This week has been more of the same for us, although Matt has been relatively busy with work. Last night I saw my first shooting star (followed by at least ten more) during the fabulous meteor shower. =D

Oh, and I got my CT results back. I have a most likely congenital venous angioma in my brain, but it is totally innocuous and so I'm finally done with my brain testing. So I can drive! I may celebrate by going Christmas shopping tomorrow.

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