
Always look on the bright side of life.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Piper says hi

I can only assume that's what she was saying as she jumped up on my desk, meowing loudly, as soon as I hit the "new post" button. Yes yes, and her shoving her head under my typing fingers is her attempt to communicate with y'all directly. Let's let her speak:


Okay, she's curled up in the top paper tray of the printer now. Ponder that word.

Today was a good day. I delivered my pies to the restaurants (okay, one less than ideal part of the day - when I woke up at 2:30 in the morning and made my buttermilks in an attempt to get sleepy again...good news - they turned out great). Then I had lunch at Peggy Sue with Mom and accompanied her to the nursery (riding there in her convertible, top down, yeehaw). I got back home, digested a bit, and went swimming at the Y. Then I cleaned and stuff until Matt got home, before 7:00pm! I made him macaroni and cheese and we took the first step in catching him up on TV. Right now he's watching Prison Break from three weeks ago.

Please vote in the poll if you haven't yet. I'm curious and I bet my 9 readers are too :)

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