
Always look on the bright side of life.

Friday, October 05, 2007

tail attack!

Pene's tail really interests Piper. I managed to catch her in action.

I got my first pie-related injury today. I was making three coconut amaretto pies at once and burned my arm on the edge of a pie pan while shifting them around in the oven. It hurts, but I don't think it'll take long to heal. I took a buttermilk pie to Erik at Cisco yesterday and it sold out, so I got to make them another one today for the weekend!

Yesterday I joined the Lake Highlands YMCA. I probably could've kept using my Park Cities Y card, and in fact the girl at the desk at the LH-Y was surprised I didn't, but Dad and I had had a discussion about the morality of ripping off the YMCA. So I ponied up the money.

Last night I watched We Are Marshall. Good movie, but not surprisingly the beginning of the movie was very sad. Just once I'd be interested to see a Hollywood true story-type movie where the actor is less attractive than the real person they are portraying. Maybe it is just that there aren't enough average-to-ugly people in Hollywood.

1 comment:

emily said...

my fingers can relate to your arm injury :( Us foodies need to be careful in our working environment :) Hope it's feeling better!