
Always look on the bright side of life.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Calf count: 6

Austin was great fun. I had coffee with Lisa and her friend Christina and learned about natural childbirth. Lisa and I watched movies and TV, went on a walk with the puppies, hung out with Eric, and just spent time together. I also got to see their land east of Austin where they will eventually be building a house. It was gorgeous and wildflowers are everywhere.

I got back to CS in the early evening and met Mike Shannon and his son and friends at the theater to see TMNT. Any ninja turtle fan will enjoy the movie. Then we headed back to Whalen's apartment and played Pass the Pigs to kill time. I'd never played before, but it was really fun (winning both games helped I'm sure). The only thing you need to play is people, two rubber pig dice with a dot on one of their sides, and something to keep score with. I liked it so much I ordered Matt and I a set =D

It was just the three of us - Mike, Whalen, and me - for Rocky Horror and we got there sometime past eleven. They were running behind so we didn't get into the "theatre" (a conference room at the MSC) until after midnight. There we were forced to sit around for a while longer while they tried to get organized. We were able to do plenty of people watching - lots of people were dressed up, though it was more goth/freak/bizarre and less RHPS costumes (other than the cast, I didn't see any). Mike remarked that had he come dressed up, he would've been the best looking person there. (He used to dress up as Dr. Frank-N-Furter with regularity). The cast was quite good acting out the movie in front of the screen, but the crowd announcers (yelling all the lines at the movie, like calling Janet "slut" for example) talked way too much, which resulted in not being able to understand half of what he was saying. That kind of detracted from the experience, just because it would've been funnier if he'd limited his lines to the truly funny. But we had a blast regardless, and it was great fun seeing something so crazy performed at a conservative campus like A&M (the guy playing Rocky was even in the Corps!).

I got home insanely late and slept until 11:30 on Saturday. After puttering around for a while, I decided to head back to Dallas later that evening. I got to hang out with Matt on Sunday, which was great. This week he's been very busy though, and I haven't seen much of him.

On Tuesday I went to the ranch with Mom to check on the cows. Peanut had her twins, and Domino and JoBob had their boys, but no one else had popped yet. Pictures are on our web site. Dad called me today and let me know that Mamacita had a boy calf and Zelda had a little girl (wahoo). I was happy because I'd called Zelda baby naming rights a long time ago (and for perpetuity), so I got to name the baby "Zora." Mamacita's and Domino's babies still need names, if anyone has some good ideas.

1 comment:

Leslie H said...

Those cow pictures are incredibly cute. Too bad there are so many boys! And that M&D won't take my meat-related name suggestions (I still want to name one Veal).