
Always look on the bright side of life.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I've come down from my read-a-new-fantasy-book high and it is sad. Yesterday I read the final book (#11), Confessor, in the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. It was actually really good. I've been reading this series for a third of my life - I bought book 2, Stone of Tears, in London the summer after seventh grade. Not all the books were perfect...1-2 were great, 3-5 pretty good, 6 amazing, 7-8 horrible, and then 9-11 were back to goodness. The final three books were actually a trilogy (The Chainfire trilogy) within the series and they were much much better than the previous couple books. One thing I loved about the last book was that it brought back some of the old characters from the beginning. Terry Goodkind is no George RR Martin to go off killing everyone you care about, but people do die, and he was gracious enough to not off anyone right before the end of the series. So yeah, I read the last three books of the series (Chainfire for the third time, Phantom the second, Confessor the first) probably within the last five days (I finished book 10 and read all of book 11 yesterday) and now I'm sad because it is over. I do have another fantasy series lined up though, fresh from the library. So I'll get over it.

Last night there were some crazy storms. I'm supposed to be helping out one of my flag football mates tonight by playing with his kickball team, but I wouldn't be surprised if the game got called off because of the rain.

This weekend was fun. Matt had to work Saturday but not too late. We ate dinner at a local Lake Highlands eatery (which wasn't that good, but they are a bakery and dessert was yummy) and watched the movie Weirdsville, which was...weird. Then on Sunday we had a nice relaxing day and caught up on TV on the DVR. We went to the mall and did some shopping (I'd tried to buy jeans for Matt when Brian was here and failed miserably, the good news being that it made Matt have to go with me to exchange them for the right kind). Then we had dinner at Maggiano's, which was the first time either of us had been there since the rehearsal dinner. Afterwards we came back home and watched Helvetica.

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