
Always look on the bright side of life.

Saturday, February 09, 2008


One of my favorite t-shirt stores online,, has a new shirt out that says:
Qwnage: pwning by a whole letter more

I think this probably applies to my football team in the case of being "qwned" by our opponents on Thursday. Our first game we played a very physical team (to the point of them being cheating punks, as they totally creamed Blake and me when we were on defense). Also classy, they were whining about a non-call on us for false start when we were losing by like four touchdowns with three minutes to go in the game. I guess we know how they win their games. Mom and Dad came to my first game, which was cool (although I wish we'd had a better game - at least they got to see me knock down a pass and make a pull). In our second game, we came out playing really well for the first half and went up by a couple touchdowns. Then we lost our momentum the second half (maybe we were tired) and they came back to win it in the last 30 seconds of the game. :( So now we're 1-4. Go Dallas Aggies! Six of us went to the sponsor bar after the games and tried to drink our sorrows away (well, mostly I was there for the team bonding, but some were definitely there for the beer!).

I also learned something very interesting on Thursday. One of our players we picked up mid-season (friend of a friend)...turns out he was one of my 8th graders, as in one of the kids in Ms Janik's 8th grade English class that I subbed for a lot. I was thrown off, 1) because kids change a LOT in between 8th and 11th grade, and 2) he has been going by his last name with us. But yeah, that made be feel old. Of course some of the other people on our team were surprised too that he is so young.

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