
Always look on the bright side of life.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Greetings from Dallas

This update is coming to you live from Susie's iMac in Dallas. I had a lovely evening sitting on the couch with Matt watching "House" from Tuesday and a "Cheap Seats" off the TiVo. Oh, and eating Mr Gatti's Pizza. Yum!

My week of school was pretty good. Highlights included going to the Bryan Auction Barn for my Clinical Correlates class and Mom's visit, as well as the last celebration of knowledge in the first round of tests, and my first physical in ten years. Mom rolled into town on Wednesday in time to take me to my doctor's appointment - I hadn't gotten a physical and regular check-up type thing since, I believe, I needed one for middle school basketball tryouts. I had gotten the name of Johnny and Cindy's primary care physician and made an appointment with that office, although it was a different doctor. I was a little nervous, but the doctor, Dr. Neal, was very nice and I liked him a lot. The visit was uneventful, although he did take blood to check my thyroid and kidneys (when I had bloodwork after the first College Station seizure they sad my creatinine was high, so we were rechecking it). I should get the results Monday. Mom returned me to school in time for anatomy lab and I got a ride home with Christi. Mom cooked Emily and me a fabulous meal and then went to work making curtains while I tried to study for microbiology. She poked around the duplex and College Station while I was at class on Thursday and then came up to the school to catch the end of my anatomy lab. She got to meet "The Boys" and Christi, and I showed her the cooler and a group's dog that was out (we had already put Tigger away for the week). Then we walked around the vet school a bit and I got to introduce her to Dr. H before we left. I came home to the wonderful aroma of pot roast and Mom and I had dinner before I retreated to study for the next day's test.

So my microbiology test was this morning, and it went okay. It was multiple choice, and tricky at that (the scantron had A-J and some answers required bubbling in more than one answer at a time, and there were lots of "EXCEPT" questions which are not fun). But I think I passed. Hopefully I did so I can say I survived my first round of tests with little-to-no failure :) I scurried out as soon as I was done with the test and hopped in the car with Mom to head to Dallas. We saw the mini-horses on OSR and stopped at the Sonic at Buffalo for lunch but had no other adventures. My appointment with Dr. Z went well, and that was good to check off the list. I got to chat with Mom and Dad while waiting for Matt to get off work, which was nice. Tomorrow's plans include studying while Matt is at work (yeah, on a Saturday) and then hanging out with the Roberts family tomorrow night, and probably watching the A&M game.

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