
Always look on the bright side of life.

Friday, September 01, 2006

I took the night off

Last night I gave myself my first break from studying. There have been nights where I haven't gotten much done, of course, but I got home and thought "I'm not opening my backpack up tonight." I had been hitting the anatomy books pretty hard and we had a really good lab yesterday afternoon. We completed our study of all the muscles and bones of the thoracic limb, leaning everything past the elbow that day. Justin, Brandon, and I quizzed each other and tried to make sure we would retain some of the information for more than an hour. I think we succeeded. I also got a really nice little e-mail from Brandon later thanking me for my hard work in lab and telling me that if I ever needed a ride I could ask him. Have I mentioned that I love my lab partners?

Other excitement of the day: physiology lab. It was about placing catheters and drawing blood to run it for some basic bloodwork (PCV, total protein, serum protein, glucose). There were 8 of us in our group, and our less-than-enthusiastic lab dog was named Colorado. Half of us had plenty of experience doing that stuff, so we mostly sat back and assisted the newbies try to get it done. I learned that one of the girls in my group went to SMU and has eaten at all the restaurants. And she worked at Hillside Veterinary Clinic for years so she knows Sarpong. Small world =P I ended up eating lunch in the "grasshopper room" with her and another of my labmates, which was actually really nice - we didn't know each other that well, but we're in all the same classes and obviously have at least one interest in common, so we had plenty to talk about. After lunch was histology lab where we had a practice test and I was reminded that I should probably try to learn some of this stuff. The real test is next Thursday. Eek! Then it was time for the best part of the day - anatomy lab, which I've already discussed. :)

Getting home from school proved to be tricky yesterday. After Emily picked me up from the vet school around 5:10, we had to go get Rick (her boytoy) from the Bright Building, which is right in the middle campus, i.e. major traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian. And then getting from the Bright Building to home...goodness. We got to the duplex around 6 (it usually takes us 10 minutes to go between the duplex to the vet school). Poor Emily, it was not a fun driving experience.

So I arrived home and puttered for a bit, playing with Piper and poking the internet. Then I logged on to World of Warcraft for a real gaming session, my first in two weeks. It was nice to be greeted happily by my guildmates. I messed around with my druid Camali, getting her halfway to level 55 (which is 5 long levels from the end goal of 60). I also got to chat on Ventrilo with everyone and catch up on what they'd been up to. And I commiserated with Trisha/Atsukana about A&M having class on Labor Day.

I played "late" - past 10! - to try a new sleeping experiment. I haven't slept well in a few nights, the issue mostly being that I am waking up between 4-5:30 and not really being able to go back to sleep. So, I thought maybe I was just going to bed too early and my body was getting enough rest by then that it wanted me to get up. Well, I still work up somewhere around 4:30 despite not turning out the light until 11:20. So the *new* plan is to go to bed really early and just accept that I may be getting up at 5. *shrug* we'll see.

Matt comes in tonight! Yay! And he gets to stay until Monday since *he* doesn't have to go to work on Monday.

Oh, I'm writing this from the A-T lab in the basement of the vet school. I ended up here because I had 2.5 hours to kill before class (Emily has to work at 8 so I figured I'd come along with her), so I watched the video I needed to watch for Clinical Correlates on Tuesday: "The Restraint and Physical Examination of the Equine" or something like that. My group in that class has our horse case on Tuesday and I needed to learn that stuff. Although the prof is telling us now we might do a cow instead, which is really not cool. 1) cows aren't as interesting, and 2) I've already prepared for the horse! Oh well. I really would like to know by today because there is also some written homework I have to do beforehand. Grr.

PS: It is September! Ridiculous!

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