
Always look on the bright side of life.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Study break

I just finished reading some histology and it seemed like a good time to take a break. Today was great - we had amusing lecturers in both classes (histo and physiology), I had my three hour break from 10-1, histo lab was short, and my last class of the day, clinical correlates, was in the Medical Sciences Library and only lasted 45 minutes. So, I got home at 4:00! Unheard of!

Dr. Cudd, the less than inspiring physiology lecturer, has been replaced for three days by Dr. Wassar, as fast-talking New Yorker who is much more fun to listen to. He also always adds "on this planet" whenever he makes generalizations about animals (example: "all skeletal muscle contracts this way in animals on this planet") because he says he doesn't think we're alone in the universe and that veterinarians, especially ones engaged in comparative studies between species such as himself, will be the most suited to study aliens when they are found.

We opened the chest cavity in anatomy lab yesterday. It was wonderful to see the boys transform from sleepy and slightly bored (I can only make things so amusing) to completely fascinated as we cut into the ribs and opened up the chest. They got to poke the lungs and ogle the heart and whatnot, and it was neat to see their interest. We are definitely meeting on Saturday to review because we have a test a week from Friday and it will cover a ridiculous amount of material (it is 50% old, 50% new, and the test lasts 4 hours!).

It was beautiful and cool this morning when we left for school. It didn't really stay that way, but it does make me think that fall is just around the corner. Too bad I'm outside for so little time each day. I suppose I can study with the window open when it cools down or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't these cool mornings remind you a little bit of summer in Colorado? :)