
Always look on the bright side of life.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

I do not like "springing forward." *YAWN*

On the upside, the weather has been really nice recently. Yesterday Matt and I bought a basketball and played some in a nearby park. We're also continuing to work on getting our 36 stamps [to get an A&M baseball jersey] by going to Aggie athletic events. Matt has 32, I have 29, and Emily just hit 24 to get her A&M visor. Yesterday we went to men's tennis. Turns out there is one sport that Baylor is actually good at - we lost 5-2. But we didn't stay the whole time; tennis is long.

I've also been playing some more Splinter Cell. I like it a lot. Also, Microsoft lowered the Xbox price to $149, and that's the price I've been waiting for...I just can't buy one until I get through this month (at least) because of school and whatnot. Plus, I have plenty of games still unfinished (Splinter Cell, Kingdom Hearts) or waiting to be replayed (Final Fantasy X, LoZ: Majora's Mask, Metroid Prime) or unpurchased (Final Fantasy X-2, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes). And who knows - some have talked about Microsoft lowering the price more or bundling the Xbox with a game at $149 after E3. But I bet I have an Xbox by the end of the summer. :)

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