
Always look on the bright side of life.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Nothing like impending tests to make me post on my blog. Not much to report, really. I'm still debating on an hourly basis with myself on whether to go home (mini-ranch) or not for Easter. My reasons for going: getting to see Mom, Dad, Carolyn, and Murphy; seeing the ranch in the springtime; I won't get to go home again until the end of May; getting away from College Station. Reasons to stay here: anatomy lab final in 12 days; biochemistry assignment that I must make a 100 on; a comfortable bed; no driving; Amanda's 21 birthday celebration Thursday night; Splinter Cell. Right now I'm leaning towards going to the mini-ranch on Friday afternoon after spending a few hours in the anatomy lab. But that could change any minute.

Driving home from work this evening (around 6:45) was lovely - the sun was behind me, lighting up all the new growth and wildflowers and trees along 2818 in a very springtimey way. Spring is great. I'm so glad I don't have allergies.

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