
Always look on the bright side of life.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Well, today was eventful. I decided to give blood for the first time. I had avoided it previously because Leslie had told me about passing out after donating her freshman year (her first - perhaps only - time to donate). But I figured it was time to find out if I'd react the same way - needles don't bother me; I was worried about the susceptibility we have for fainting thanks to Mom's genes. So anyway, I decided to give blood. I went after my genetics class. Everything went fine. I didn't watch them put the needle in because everyone told me not to, even though I wanted to. The finger prick, pointy marker used to mark my vein, and the scrubbing with iodine hurt more than the [huge] needle. When it was over, I felt fine. I sat around and ate my cookie and drank my Capri Sun. Then I had to get to my micro class, so I walked out of the building and got my bike (I was told I shouldn't ride it so I was walking it). I got to the intersection, waiting for the walk signal, when...yeah...everything started to go black. I remember thinking "just breathe" and next thing I know I was on the concrete tangled up with my bike. I couldn't have been out for too long. Some guy ask if I was okay, and as we all are inclined to do, I said I was. The light had turned red again, so after I got myself free from my bike, I walked my bike (slowly) back to the building, locked it up, and called Matt to come get me. He did, got me home and into bed, fed me a peanut butter sandwich (I wasn't hungry but knew I needed to eat something) and made me drink some water. He also called work for me to ask if it was okay if I didn't come in (it was). Then I slept for a few hours until 5:30. I'm feeling better now, although my stomach is not the happiest, my arm aches and my pricked finger hurts, and I have a slight headache. Matt came back and made (microwaved) me some chicken noodle soup at 6:30, and it was good. So he's taking care of me. But I'm sorry to say that I won't be donating blood again any time soon.

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