
Always look on the bright side of life.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Wow, nothing like homework avoidance to make you update your blog. Things have just been puttering along and I've been trying to get through the week, so I haven't been posting. Tomorrow after work, Matt is picking me up and we're heading to the mini-ranch for fun, relaxation, and Beth's 50th birthday party.

Some highlights from the week:
-I really enjoyed the Oscars. The commercials were pretty amusing and I couldn't help being pumped up about the LOTR's success. I particularly enjoyed seeing Annie Lennox perform "Into the West" and it winning for best song. I love that song. Seriously, I can't stop listening to it. I also enjoyed the performance of the song from "A Mighty Wind" just because Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara are just cool. Oh, and I wanted Johnny Depp to win. Is that wrong of me?
-We opened up Sparky's chest cavity in lab this week and it was awesome. But not quite as awesome as the group next to us whose beagle had an enormous tumor filling its chest. But yeah, lungs are neat looking. We're all coming in on Sunday to finish up the dissection and remove the lungs to see what else is in there (the heart, among other things, I'm told).
-Only 8 more days until spring break. It can't come soon enough!
-I'm excited about voting in the democratic primaries, although I'm a little sad that they're essentially over already. This will be my first time voting. That what happens when you turn 18 one week after the 2000 presidential election - you get disillusioned with the voting process for a while. But at least I wasn't living in Florida at the time.
-Anyone out there watch The Apprentice? Matt and I are hooked (although we only usually watch parts during CBS commercials). We were thrilled that Omarosa got fired. Go Amy!

Reading list update: The Children of the Atom is a cool book. Very old school, quite enjoyable, and a fast read.

Okay, I promised myself I'd do some work tonight. :)

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