
Always look on the bright side of life.

Friday, August 04, 2006


I'm writing this post from my computer. Yay! The water cooling pump (the new one, fresh from the company) didn't work...again. But Luke just brought back the fan and put it back in place so I can at least use my computer again. It is so much more comfortable typing this post on my lovely keyboard, which rests on a desk, with me sitting in a chair.

Yesterday afternoon Mom and I went shopping for vet school clothes. We went to Target first and I got 3 Mossimo polo shirts (so now I have 5, black, rust/maroon-ish, blue, and brown). Then we went to North Park and I got 2 pairs of shoes at Dillards. One pair are brown, with laces, that are nice enough for school but comfy like athletic shoes. And the other pair are dressier, brown sandal-type things with ankle straps and flowerish cut-outs at the toes, and a bit of a heel. They are pretty squishy and go with dressier stuff I have, and any time I actually *like* dress shoes I should buy them because those moments are few and far between. So yeah, those are some ridiculous descriptions, but it's all I can think of. Then we went to Gap and I got some khaki pants that I really like and a nice brown leather belt. =D Mission accomplished! Mom came back to the apartment with me afterwards and we talked about packing strategies.

Then last night Luke came over and worked on the computer. He's been so patient with all the travails, it's very impressive. After that, Matt and I dined on some excellent Kraft 3-cheese macaroni he made. We ended up staying up kind of late working on duplex stuff, specifically setting up internet and TV for down there. Today Matt went off to work and I reveled in having my computer back. And what better way than dropping in and saying hello to my World of Warcraft guild. =D I have been away for more than a month, and I was missed. That felt nice. Also, Zetarg (my level 60 orc warlock that grew up on Silver Hand back when Bryan played WoW with me, if you don't keep up with this sort of thing) moved over to the server (Khaz Modan) that hosts my level 60 priest Hyacith. Blizzard now offers a service where you can move characters between servers for a price, with limitations. I just thought it made sense to get him over to a server with my guild and the characters I play more. So that's kind of fun. I'd pretty much given up on the chap, but he may get some more attention now. A little. =P

Matt will be home soon; it is his last Friday where he gets out at 3pm. That's okay though - he doesn't have all that many Fridays left where he has to go to the office at all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i also have a box of wires. and a bag. they started accumulating in HS, and i've purged them many times. only the most potentially useful have survived. and goodbye zetarg, i'll always remember the good times we had.