
Always look on the bright side of life.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Countdown (6 days)

In under a week we'll be in College Station. Well, "we" probably more accurately would apply to Emily and me, not Matt and me. This time next week he will be on his way back to Dallas. :/ The weekend was full of packing - Matt did a ton on Saturday and Sunday. In the later parts of the day I went to Molten Core with my guild. I'm trying to squeeze out the last ounce of summer :) Sunday afternoon I also attended Dr. Lavender's baby shower. It was incredibly weird to be amongst 10 women who all had kids and that's all the conversation was about. Yikes! So not ready to even think about that! I did get to see Sarpong's new (7 weeks now) baby Eloise though, so that alone made it worth it.

On Monday "the Moms" as Matt and I refer to them (that'd be my mom and his) came over and helped pack up basically the entire kitchen. And I have a wall full of boxes to prove it. If I'd done it on my own, it would have taken me six times as long, and I bet half the stuff would arrive in College Station broken. So that was a great help. Lest you think we worked too hard, we did take a break for Sonic in the middle of the day though :) Yesterday was more packing with breaks to relax (I got my druid to level 50, because I'm sure you care!). And today was more of the same. Tomorrow? You can guess.

So Monday was my last day to take my anti-convulsants. Everything has been going great with that, and I definitely have more energy. My fingers (and quite a few others I believe) are crossed that I will continue to be seizure-free. At this point I am very optimistic that it really was just an altitude thing in Colorado and that I should be just ducky.

Piper is going insane with the packing; she is very concerned. She lets us know this by meowing loudly and often, being a brat, and trying to injure us. She is such a little kid sometimes :)

I like my phone. Right now I have it set so certain high-frequency callers have their own songs from my mp3 collection as their ring. The 'rents = Daft Punk "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" (for no reason other than that song makes me happy), Matt is "Character Zero" by Phish (again, don't read anything into the title), the Roberts have some Saint-Saens "Carnival of the Animals", and everyone else is "Scatman" by Scatman John (I love that song).

1 comment:

emily said...

Yay for coming to College Station! I'm excited about being roomies again :)