
Always look on the bright side of life.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Musings, mostly on moving

I like it when Matt comes home for lunch. We watched Full House from 11:30-12:00. Who wouldn't enjoy that?

I have been wondering why Matt and I were so quick to obey the doctor in Colorado when he told us I needed to "get out of Dodge." I mean, I know it was serious, but upon reflection, why didn't we just fill the prescription for the anti-convulsants and stay our other week? I guess the seizures were a scary enough problem that we were scared into doing the responsible thing, didn't even occur to me at the time to question whether we could fudge it a little and not leave immediately. *shrug*

I packed up my winter clothes today in my big blue suitcase (the rolling kind, a wedding present, a great piece of luggage). Piper is concerned. She got in the suitcase while I was gathering clothes, as if to say "tell me what is going on, and don't forget me!" But I think she has no idea, except that a change of some kind is coming. She's going to miss Matt at least as much as me, I think, during our six weeks apart. At least she'll have Emily to give her attention and Nellie to torment.

I have an entire banker's box full of cords and cables. You never know when you're going to need something, so I don't throw them away, may be getting a bit excessive. At least I finally tossed out the cords that ended in chewed on, non-functional ends (the work of a certain orally-fixated feline).

My poor battered PS2 box. It has tenderly embraced my PS2 in its move from Dallas (M&D's)-> the dorm, the dorm -> the CS apartment, the CS apartment -> the duplex, the duplex -> M&D's, M&D's -> the apartment. I am glad I've hung onto it. You can't beat the original styrofoam packing for peace of mind. When I finally give away, sell, or chunk my PS2, it'll be in its original box. =P

Books suck to move. At least most of them are paperbacks.

Luke is scheduled to come and fix my computer tonight. It'll be nice to not have to compute while losing feeling in one's butt cheeks from sitting on the floor.

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