
Always look on the bright side of life.

Monday, May 03, 2004

Biochemistry today was interesting. It was our last lecture, and I sat in a different place than usual - closer to the front and in the middle - so I could sit with some friends. First off, the guy behind me thought that when chewing and crunching ice all class, no one around him could hear it. Wrong! And then this junior Corps guy a row ahead of us was feeling up his girlfriend all through class, spasmodically clutching up and down her leg (massage???), and when his hand got tired, resting it in her crotchal area. Dude, we can see you! For those two reasons, biochem today was annoying. But for this next reason, it rocked: I got a 94 on my biochemistry test #3! A REAL A! Now, my first test was an "A" at a 77, but this test was both a real and curved A (87-100 was an A, the average was a 67). I was SO happy. Because I thought I did fairly well on this test, but then I thought I did okay last time and got a C. So I was not allowing myself to hope that I did well on this test. But I did! Yay! :)

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