
Always look on the bright side of life.

Friday, May 07, 2004

Whew! No more anatomy until vet school! My final exam was this morning - it went pretty well. The thing was, I had to make an 88% to get an A in the class. I thought I did pretty well on the test - a B or higher - but I don't know that I got at least an 88. So we'll see. I'm in a relatively good mood, and I am so glad to have that final behind me so I can focus on biochemistry. But I wish I'd walked out of the room feeling like I aced it, rather than being uncertain. Oh well, right now, I'm just happy to have it over with!

I watched the series finale of Friends last night. I thought it wrapped it up well. I particularly enjoyed Monica and Chandler's surprise delivery, and of course the baby chick and duck. :) It's odd to think that I'd never watched Friends until I came to college. It became such an integral part of my weekly television schedule (not to mention countless reruns I'd never seen) once I got to A&M. There was one point sophomore year that I could watch a 90 Friends block thanks to Fox and TBS. I also watched ER last night (I was pretty burnt out on studying...I tried to do a little muscle studying during commercials). Now if Friends made me get a little sentimental, ER had me bawling. Okay, not quite, but the Kem/Carter baby storyline was insanely sad. I can't even imagine having to go through that in real life.

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