
Always look on the bright side of life.

Saturday, May 01, 2004

So I don't really feel like posting the details of the worst week of college ever, but I thought I'd let my readers (both open and stalkers...ehem - Laura) know that I made it through (barely). The head exam didn't go as spectacular as I would have liked, considering how much time I spent studying for it, but it was okay. My micro lab test was a joke. Genetics was fine, only because I didn't need to make a great grade on it. And biochemistry yesterday...well...I thought it went okay (not great, not horrible, okay) but last time I thought that I got a C. So I won't talk about it anymore. I'll get most of those grades back Monday.

I was so exhausted by night-time last night. Matt and I played basketball in the afternoon (I think he let me win b/c if I hadn't I might've punched him or at least sulked for a while), and then I had to get ready to go to the ACS Chemistry banquet. I picked up Amanda and we headed to the Faculty Club. It was pretty fun, but only because I got to talk with Amanda, Laura, and Jenny, none of whom I see in classes anymore. And I might not see Laura and Jenny again...ever? They're both headed to California for grad school (Laura to UC Irvine; Jenny to Berkeley - Les, I should give her your phone number or something as an emergency contact b/c she doesn't know anyone in that area). Also, the food was good and I got $50 for being an "outstanding senior chemistry student." Yay! Amanda was an outstanding junior, and Laura and Jenny were outstanding graduating students. I have smart friends. :) The $50 was good because it helped to defray the costs I incurred at Best Buy in my post-stressful week buying frenzy where I ended up with an Xbox (the green Halo edition) and Knights of the Old Republic. Heehee. I like my Xbox. Last night Matt and I watched Shrek on it and he tucked me in at 11:30.

So that's about it for my week. Now I get to start studying for finals because anatomy is less than a week away. But I guess it could be worse - I could be taking the CPA exam next week. Yikes.

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