
Always look on the bright side of life.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

I think Dr. Hunter (one of my physiology profs) is a little crazy. We were talking about osmosis today and all of a sudden he starts talking about how he believes the pyramids were created by aliens because there is no way humans could've made them 5,000 years ago when we wouldn't be able to recreate them today with modern technology. To be fair, they was some trail of logic that got him from point A to point B - when talking about the power of osmosis, he mentioned that you could lift your house by inserting wooden wedges under the foundation and by getting them wet, they would swell with water and raise your house. That is also supposedly how the Egyptians cut the huge limestone blocks for the pyramids, by inserting wooden wedges and water into cuts in the stone. But then he went off for several minutes on visitors from outer space and ... I think he's a little, um, eccentric. But that's okay, it keeps things interesting.

My great SI-attending experiment came to a premature end yesterday when I neglected to go. In my defense, I was really tired, it was rainy outside, and the material wasn't looking too bad. But I still felt guilty. I'm going to try and make it this evening. *sigh*

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