
Always look on the bright side of life.

Friday, June 11, 2004

If memory serves, I should be saying...
Happy 21st Birthday Graham!
[it is possible i still don't have his birthday right, though...maybe he'll actually post a comment on my blog to correct or congratulate me]

Yesterday was rough. I had class and a double lab (we have to double up on labs three times this summer to get them all done in 10 weeks). The worst part of lab was that Dr Hunter talked for two of our three hours! Then we had 1 hour to do 4 different lab procedures. The easiest was making 1% glucose and 1% NaCl solutions. The hardest was making a 300 mOsm/L salt solution using only: a tongue depressor, string, two sticks, two plastic syringes, an indeterminate amount of salt, a 1L bottle, distilled water, wax paper, and a plastic spoon. It reminded me of an OM spontaneous problem. I came up with an idea, though, which was good since none of the other girls had any. Oh, and our lab groups are randomly assigned every week, so I didn't know any of my partners. We also got to work with dog blood and a microhematocrit, which was cool and different. So lab went late about 10 minutes (just think when we could've gotten out if Dr Hunter hadn't insisted on going through every step of the mathematical calculations that show we all inhale one molecule of air from George Washington's last breath ever time we breathe [and have 4-6 in our lungs at all times] and talking about his burger flipping days in high school).

Emily and I ordered Papa Johns in the evening and then watched a couple Aqua Teens. At 8, I went to the Rec with her and watched some of her Judo practice. It was really cool and Em kicked some butt (well, technically she threw and choked some butt - no kicking in Judo). She's really good, and she didn't even run away when the leader, Theo, the 6-ft-plus extremely buff black man, made her spar with him (she didn't kick his butt). But she put some other boys in their place. :)

I slept in today, along with the rest of the Aggies who didn't have class because of the National Day of Mourning (I'd like to refer people to Bryan's website for an interesting political idea, speaking of that). A couple of Em's Judo friends are coming over later and we're cooking. So that's what's going on. Yay for weekends!

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