
Always look on the bright side of life.

Friday, July 30, 2004

San Antonio, here I come!

I'm just killing time until I leave for San Antonio. Not really, I'm actually getting lots done. I've packed and watched a health lecture (well, sort of watched/listened/had on in the background while I did other things). Yesterday was good - class/lunch/lab on campus, then home to goof off. I semi-cooked for Emily (ravioli in Alfredo sauce and peas), we watched Fantasia, and I watched a health lecture. Yesterday was also Dad's 55th birthday (since I didn't post yesterday, it isn't too late for me to write: Happy Birthday, Dad!).

Today I slept in and it was glorious. I need to go to the bank before I leave town - I have bill reimbursement checks from the roommates and I need some cash for the weekend. I'll probably leave the duplex around 2. :)

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