
Always look on the bright side of life.

Friday, August 13, 2004

A bit more settled

I'm more moved in than I was this time yesterday! My bed is made, curtains hung, computer in place, furniture arranged... my bookshelf is the only disaster area, because a shelf broke on the ride from College Station and so I can't put anything on the shelves until it's fixed. The result of this is that boxes and boxes of books and other shelf items are in the hallway right now. So my room is totally livable although far from done. It was nice to be able to sleep in my own bed last night.

Yesterday evening I headed over to the Roberts' house. We waited for Matt to get home from work (commuting from Fort Worth definitely adds to his drive time), and then we all went to El Fenix for dinner. Afterwards, Matt and I played DDR, with Luke joining us once he got home from summer band.

Tonight we leave for the mini-ranch for a graduation celebration. Mom, Dad, Leslie, and Bryan are already down there, and Matt, Emily, Jeff, and I will join them tonight. I'm really looking forward to it. In addition to all of Mom and Dad's friends, the guests on Saturday include Matt's parents and Luke, Charlie and Meredith and their four kids (Matt's uncle, aunt, and cousins), Amanda and her boyfriend Jeff, Carolyn, and Mike Shannon. Yay!

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