
Always look on the bright side of life.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Why doesn't the blogger spell check know the word "blog"

Why hasn't Cameron been updating her blog? She was so obsessive about it the previous weeks...

Yeah, okay, so I haven't been doing anything, so there isn't much to post about. During the day, I've been rediscovering the joys of video game playing and organizing/unpacking. Yesterday I played some DDR. At night, I've watched the Olympics - the swimming and gymnastics have been awesome. I really enjoyed watching Paul Hamm win it all in the men's all-around last night. If any of my readers haven't been watching the Olympics, I recommend starting!

It's kind of nice not having much to post about. It means that I'm finally getting to relax for a little while. :)

PS: You might notice the ads up top have been replaced with a bar-type thing. It's called the "Navbar" and it is what Blogger has switched to. I don't mind (it looks a lot nicer), but I actually kind of liked the ads. Sometimes they took me to good sites...

PPS: It's raining here. I approve.

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